Fifteen Signs You’re Ready for Yoga Teacher Training
1. You structure your day around yoga. You love it and want more.
2. You realize how little you are learning in your regular yoga classes.
3. You want to develop a sitting practice beyond the asanas.
4. You want to bring your yoga off the mat and into the world around you.
5. You want to understand the philosophy and the ethical underpinnings of yoga.
6. You have been wondering what it is to live an Ayurvedic lifestyle.
7. You have heard words like chakra, drishti, bandha, guna, mudra, mantra, or sutra and want to understand what they actually mean.
Yoga Teacher Training
8. You need to understand the anatomy of the poses.
9. You want to develop a self-practice.
10. You want to learn how to intelligently sequence a class.
11. You want to be with like-minded people, learning together.
12. You want to learn how to do yoga for the rest of your life.
13. You are ready for transformation.
14. You want to share the practice.
15. You want to be a teacher.
If any of these signs apply to you and your practice, you’re ready for teacher training. We’re starting a 200 Hour Teacher Training on Oct. 18. For more details, click here.